Monday, March 16, 2015

That Moment on 3/16/15...

That moment when you are getting your 9-year-old ready for school and the 4-year-old decides to drop his yogurt drink all over his new toy grill and as you're walking over to clean that up your 1-year-old puts his hand through the handle of your FAVORITE coffee mug like it's a bracelet and as you see him and start, "No, no, no, no, no. no-ing," he flings his arm out throwing your jumbo-sized mug--which is completely full and holds a good two regular mugs of coffee at a time--across the living room.

‪#‎AllBefore8AM‬ #JustAnotherManicMonday ‪#‎FavoriteCoffeeMugEulogy‬ ‪#‎BrewingAnotherPot‬ ‪#‎SomeoneHelpMe

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