Monday, March 28, 2011

Precious Time

"Baby makes days shorter, nights longer, home happier, love stronger..." True. The author, anonymous and brilliant.

People complain about the mundane. That daily routine where all sense of oneself gets lost, wrapped in a cozy warm blanket of the incessant. With Wyatt, I have been lucky to be able to replace my own mundane routine with one revolving around him that's still incessant albeit incredibly rewarding and englightening. Most mornings begin between the hours of 7am and 9am. We wake with a diaper change and a feeding. Wyatt then gets some time in his vibrating bouncy chair as his nature sounds giraffe serenades him with songs of the babbling brook while Mommy enjoys a steaming bowl-with-a-handle cup of coffee. Usually Wyatt dozes off for a morning nap that lasts about an hour or two during which I will have breakfast and then engage in a bit of cleaning or laundry, grace the book of Face; I might flip through the latest issue of Good Housekeeping, or read a few pages out of my book club's pick of the month all the while staring at Wyatt and how blessed I am to have him.

If we don't have any appointments or errands to go to the afternoon usually brings with it some time for the munchkin under his activity gym although his interest in it is short-lived with him still being so little. He prefers to be held while he looks around or to lay on the couch next to me while I talk to him and play with his little hands and feet. A few diaper changes. Feedings. Naps.

Having Wyatt forces me to move a bit slower and to make each moment count. No longer can I get ready for a scheduled appointment on my time, a mere hour before leaving the house. I must start getting ready 2 and even 3 hours in advance to make sure we're both able to eat and get changed, that I don't forget to pack all the necessities into his diaper bag, and still have time for a change of clothes following a bout of spit up, an unexpected feeding and/or diaper change, all the while not being rushed.

I keep the house quiet for the most part for the exception of the nature sounds and the daily scripted dog barks midday when the mailman stops by. I think this is why the munchkin is not much of a cryer because the house remains peaceful, tranquil, for the benefit of us both. It's amazing the clarity you find when you are silent, still, when you just sit and be. I keep trying to school the hubs on this as there never seems a moment when either his cell phone or the computer--sometimes both--aren't attached to his hand, even when he is holding the baby. Wyatt fusses quite a bit when he has him and he attributes it to his being hungry (even if I've recently fed him). I pick Wyatt up and almost immediately he is soothed. I try to explain to Lewis that the baby just wants some attention, to close the laptop, put down the phone, enjoy his son. I haven't gotten through to him yet. I'm hoping that I can convince him soon because tomorrow is Wyatt's 2-week birthday; he won't be a baby for very long. This time with him is precious and every second must be savored.

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