Friday, December 2, 2011

No Apologies

Kurt Cobain had it all wrong.

There's a current status chain on Facebook that says something to the effect of "When you come to my house you will see dirty dishes, this proves that I feed my kids. You might also see piles of laundry which proves that my children have clean clothes...etc." It finishes with a bold, "If you are coming to our home to visit us, please come any time. If you are coming to see our house, please make an appointment." Surely, if you're a mom, you can find the humorous truth in this.

I planned to make my way back to this blog, having abandoned it for months, to offer a sincere apology for how I have not made any new posts in over half a year. After thinking more about it and seeing this Facebook status being published over and over by almost every fellow mom on my friend list, I decided to do just the opposite and instead, create a post about how I refuse to make apologies for not having been here. Aside from my three grad classes, my time has been consumed with breastfeeding, helping with homework, cooking, cleaning, laundry, and playing chauffer before and after school, not to mention tending to illnesses including my own nasty bout with bronchitis a mere week ago. To apologize for my absence would be to apologize for not having extra time because all of my time has been devoted to being a mom.

So, I changed my mind about apologizing. I think, at the moment, that my blog only has one follower anyways--not that I am in any way minimalizing the feat of his or her interest in or dedication to my blog--but aside from a few Facebook friends, I don't think many people really ever see my posts. Having said that, I still think it is appropriate to continue the chain here, although somewhat edited, and say that if you are visiting my blog to get some down-to-earth, honest stories about life and how it is enhanced by albeit revolving around children, the please, stop by any time; but please hold no expectations about my posting consistencies or rather inconsistencies because my life belongs to my children and they come first, no apologies.

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