Friday, December 16, 2011

The Mom Bob

So, I just stumbled across this hilarious Glamour article while traveling to my email account via Yahoo: . "What your hairstyle says about you according to guys." Did I really read things like this before getting married? Does anyone? Ok, I admit I did read things like this but it was usually for one of two reasons, the first being a good laugh--I mean c'mon, what woman in their right mind living in this day and age actually cuts their hair according to what a man thinks--and the second reason being sheer boredom.

Don't get me wrong, my theory here isn't to say that once you become a wife and/or a mother that you should entirely let yourself go. No, in fact, I took pride in the fact that while there were some days during my pregnancy where I could be found in public donning comfortable lounge pants and a stretchy tee, for the most part I wore the same clothes as I did before I was pregnant, sans a large bell at the bottom of my jeans because let's face it, most people my age aren't still rocking bell-bottoms, a trend that maternity clothing manufacturers clearly albeit sadly adhere to. I'm simply saying that you should be yourself and fulfill the desires of your own personal style, whatever that may be, without allowing the opinion of men, or a man, or anyone for that matter, hinder you.

I can certainly sympathize with the need for change, especially following the birth of a child. After carrying around additional pounds for almost an entire year, not to mention an additional human being, it's reasonable, even necessary to expect a woman to need a change of some sort. Changing our hairstyle is the easiest, most temporary, and if need be, the most drastic change that we can offer ourselves. We can go from platinum blonde to fiery redhead in the matter of 30 minutes. We can make a hefty donation to locks of love in a matter of just 5 minutes. There are so many options for hairstyles that the possibilities truly are endless, and perhaps that's the point.

Once Wyatt got a little bit older, a few months after he was born, he got into the adorable stage of pulling hair. Ok, yanking and jerking hair. At the time my hair was long, several inches past my shoulders and I had already retired my beloved Farrah Fawcett style during my pregnancy, in the name of low-maintenence. At that time I was leaving it straight, flipped out at the edges, the front tendrils tucked behind my ears. I needed a change. To nix the temptation for Wyatt to pull on my hair anymore, which I have to admit was really starting to hurt everytime I picked him up, and just wanting more of a fresh "mommy" haircut, I was in need of a change.

Here's the before, the photo of inspiration that I took to the beautician, and the after shots:

After I got the cut, I was excited! The beautician styled my hair and although I didn't look quite as much like Ashley Williams as I had hoped--only a complete face alteration would have accomplished that--my hair still looked pretty cute. All of my split ends had vanished and my hair had a volume and bounce that would make Wierd Al Yankovic a little jealous. But much like that episode of Friends where Monica invests a thousand plus dollars on a pair of boots that she just absolutey had to have only to find out that they made her feet feel like she was walking on spikes, the novelty wore off. I discovered that shorter hair is almost more maintenance than keeping my hair long and just curling the ends out. Sure, the results look great, but with 3 kids running around, who really has time to flip out layer beyond layer with a curling iron. So, right now, I'm back to the "before" photo and feeling great. The baby no longer pulls my hair. I'm in serious need of some more red hair dye, but other than that I don't have the desire to change it up again just yet.

In closing, no matter who you are, even if you're not a mother--my primary audience here--do with your hair what you will. If you saw that recent awards show on television and just have to have the hairstyle of that fabulous celebrity on the red carpet--get it. If you just want to add some layers to the bottom or chop off all of your hair completely--go for it. If your man says something to the effect that he doesn't like it, reply with the fact that you do, and also add in there that unless he wants you to announce at the next family get-together the appearance of that flesh-colored yarmulke that's beginning at the back of his head, he should support your need for change and your fabulous new look.

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